In our final installment of our Marketing Email Service VidGrid tutorial series, Keanon explains how to manage the list of people who have unsubscribed from your marketing email. It’s important to learn how they are unsubscribing from a specific list, and not necessarily all future lists that you create or clone.
Video Transcription
How Do Newsletter Unsubscribes Work?
Starting from your newsletter dashboard, go ahead and click your My Recipients drop down menu and then select Manage. This page displays all of the recipient lists you currently have uploaded to your SendGrid newsletter app. Many customers ask, “How do newsletter unsubscribes affect each list?” The main thing to remember here is, each recipient list you have acts independently from the others. That means an email address can exist on multiple lists, yet selectively unsubscribe. For example, an email address could exist on both this “Newsletter demo/Managing Unsubscribes” list, as well as this “NPS January” list and will receive any newsletter sent to either one of these lists. If that email address unsubscribes sent with the “NPS January” recipient list, they will be removed only from that list. They will still receive newsletter sent with the “Newsletter demo” list.
Learn How to Manage Newsletter Unsubscribes
To manage the unsubscribes for a specific newsletter list, all you need to do is hover your cursor over that list and click the Manage Unsubscribes option. This page will display a list of all the address who have clicked the unsubscribe link from a newsletter sent with this recipient list. To add a list of addresses to unsubscribe from this recipient list, all you need to do is go over to the Upload option in the bottom right corner, click the drop down arrow, and then select Unsubscribes. From here, we can upload a CSV or a TXT file into the system with a list of the addresses that we need to unsubscribe. Here is an example of an Excel CSV file with the email addresses already populated inside. As you can see, I have three addresses here and a header with the title “Email Addresses.” To upload that file we need to click Upload, find the file on our computer, click Open, and if your CSV file has headers on the first row check this box, and then come down here to click Save and Continue. As you can see, uploading that CSV added those three address to the unsubscribes on this recipient list.
Now if you need to upload a list of addresses to re-subscribe to your newsletter, you follow a similar process. In the bottom right corner click Upload, select Re-subscribes, and follow the same process: find the file on your computer, check the box if there are headers in the first row, and click Save and Continue. As you can see, uploading that list re-subscribed those three addresses to this newsletter recipient list.
The final thing you can do on this page is download a CSV of unsubscribes from all of your lists. See this option in the top left corner. Selecting that link will export a CSV of all of the recipients who have unsubscribed from any of your newsletter lists. Depending on the number of contacts in your recipient lists, this could take a few minutes. And there you go. Now you know how to manage your newsletter unsubscribes.
For more information on SendGrid’s Marketing Email Service click here. And to access the whole VidGrid library click here.
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